

By the Web Warlock, Wednesday, 28/Jul/2010 4:43

<?php add_post_type_support( $post_type, $feature ) ?>

add_post_type_support: Usage

By the Web Warlock, Wednesday, 28/Jul/2010 4:30

<?php add_post_type_support( $post_type, $feature ) ?>

add_post_type_support: Parameters

By the Web Warlock, Wednesday, 28/Jul/2010 4:21

add_post_type_support takes two parameters: the post type (string) and the features to support (string or array).

Adding excerpts to Pages

By the Web Warlock, Wednesday, 28/Jul/2010 3:47

To add excerpts to Pages, from 3.0 on you just need to add the support for the excerpt feature for the page post type with add_post_type_support called in the init hook.