
The folder wp-content/plugins is the default folder for the WordPress® plugins.

By the Web Warlock, Sunday, 22/Aug/2010 13:53


By the Web Warlock, Friday, 14/May/2010 13:11

<?php get_all_meta_children( $term_id = NULL , $add_parent = true , $field = '_parent' , $depth = -1 , $cur_depth = 0 , $use_cache = true ); ?>

get_all_meta_children: Source code

By the Web Warlock, Friday, 14/May/2010 13:08

Source code of the function get_all_meta_children, located in the file wp-content/plugins/zyx-term-meta/includes/parentage.php of the ZYX Term Meta plugin.

init_term_meta_cache: Source code

By the Web Warlock, Sunday, 9/May/2010 22:23

Source code of init_term_meta_cache, located in the file wp-content/plugins/zyx-term-meta/includes/term-meta-cache.php of the ZYX Term Meta plugin.


By the Web Warlock, Sunday, 9/May/2010 21:48

located in the file / of the plugin . Uses the hook, the , and functions, the methods and , and the property of object , mapping to fields , and . Calls at priority 1.