
get_term_meta_from_cache: Source code

By the Web Warlock, Wednesday, 4/Aug/2010 9:52

Source code of the WordPress function get_term_meta_from_cache, located in the file wp-content/plugins/zyx-term-meta/includes/term-meta-cache.php.


By the Web Warlock, Wednesday, 28/Jul/2010 4:43

<?php add_post_type_support( $post_type, $feature ) ?>

add_post_type support: Source code

By the Web Warlock, Wednesday, 28/Jul/2010 3:36

Source code of the function add_post_type_support, located in the file wp-includes/post.php


By the Web Warlock, Tuesday, 20/Jul/2010 15:47

The WordPress® plugins_loaded action hook triggers once all plugins are loaded; is the second action triggered.