

By the Web Warlock, Monday, 24/May/2010 20:11

<?php the_clocked_time( $width = '16' , $height = '16' , $echo = true , $args = NULL ); ?>


By the Web Warlock, Sunday, 23/May/2010 16:37

<?php register_term_group( $name , $args = array( 'nicename' => NULL , 'description' => NULL ,
		'parents' => array() , 'children' => array() , 'post_type' => array( 'post' ) ,
		'add_meta_box' => false , 'restrict_meta_box' => false ,
		'meta_box_context' => 'normal' , 'meta_box_priority' => 'high' ,
		'meta_box_hook_priority' => 10 ,
		'show_checktable' => true , 'checktable_cols' => 5 ,
		'checktable_nicename' => NULL ,
		'checktable_lock' => false , 'checktable_read_only' => false,
		'use_thumbnail' => false ,
		'checktable_taxonomy' => 'category' , 'checktable_unique' => false ,
		'hide_checktable_for' => array() , 'hide_in_list_for' => array() ,
		'show_title' => true , 'show_empty_title' => false , 'error_message_none' => NULL ,
		'show_new_term' => true , 'show_empty_new_term' => true ,
		'is_folder' => false , 'template' => NULL ,
		'custom_fields' => array(),
		/* array of arrays with props key, nicename, description,
			form_function, save_function, value_function */
		'tag_function' => NULL , 'tag_function_args' => NULL , 'tag_format' => '%s' ,
		/* separators for terms of the group */
		'tag_sep' => __( ' ' ) , 'tag_last_sep' => __( ' ' ) ,
		/* separators for children of the group */
		'sep' => __( ', ' , 'zyx-term-meta' ) ,
		'last_sep' => __( ' and ' , 'zyx-term-meta' ) ,
		'tag_class' => NULL ,
		'children_before_depth' => array() , 'children_after_depth' => array() ) ); ?>


By the Web Warlock, Friday, 14/May/2010 13:11

<?php get_all_meta_children( $term_id = NULL , $add_parent = true , $field = '_parent' , $depth = -1 , $cur_depth = 0 , $use_cache = true ); ?>


By the Web Warlock, Sunday, 9/May/2010 21:48

located in the file / of the plugin . Uses the hook, the , and functions, the methods and , and the property of object , mapping to fields , and . Calls at priority 1.